Los Angeles, California

Hi, my name is Neil but my friends call me AB3. After finding myself increasingly affected by the emotions of other people, I realized I was an empath and needed to take action to save myself and recapture my happiness. Join me in my journey as I travel the world and share the answers to life’s deepest questions so you can live happier as WELL



As a highly sensitive person, when you have to make a decision, you probably consider everyone else’s happiness before your own.  Practice being more selfish.  I challenge you to spend the week making decisions that make you happy first.  Let other people figure out their own happiness.

empath characteristics

Signs That You May Be An Empath

March 5, 2019

Are you affected by other people’s emotions?  Do you find yourself feeling tired and drained after speaking to certain people?  You might be an empath.  If you’re a highly sensitive person, then you are very attuned to the energy from other people.  You have to be careful with this gift as the wrong people may know this about you and take advantage by trying to give you their negative energy so you can suffer for them.  We will discuss how to identify yourself as an empath, and steps you can take to protect yourself from negative people who target you for your gifts.

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    March 24, 2019

    Great episode Neil! As a fellow empath, I’ve felt much of what you describe. And though I’ve personally navigated many of the not-so-positive experiences you outline in this podcast, I’ve chosen to embrace my empathic abilities as my unique “superhero talent”.

    I’ve been blessed with knowing for many years now that I have this particular quality, and so that’s helped me accept and embrace the deeply profound gift it can be. As a practitioner, I work with lots of highly sensitive people who aren’t aware they are empathic when they first meet me. So I’m grateful to be able to recommend your site as a wealth of meaningful information.

    Thanks for creating awareness around what it means to be an empath – as well as providing helpful tools for highly sensitive folks.

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      March 25, 2019

      Jean – thank you for taking the time to listen and give your input as a fellow empath. “If I knew that, what I know now…” I wonder how much aggravation I would have saved myself! On the other hand, the process of self-discovery is never-ending it would seem so I’m glad I at least found out when I did so I could begin taking remedial measures.

      I agree – while I often mull over the negativities of being an empath, if channelled and harnessed correctly, it most certainly is a superpower! Thanks for recommending the site and as always, feel free to the leave the link to your site in any of your comments! I hope everyone gets to read your book, available at this link on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Atlantis-Writhing-Highest-Light-Brannon/dp/0999577352/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545187546&sr=8-1&keywords=jean+brannon

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    March 26, 2019

    Neil, I so appreciate your kind words and the support of “Atlantis Writhing”, whose heroine is an empath – and who embodies all the ups and downs of highly sensitive people…the ups and downs I myself learned through trial and error. While you were still figuring out you were an empath, did you often wonder if you were going crazy? It took me a long time to understand that I was perceiving and receiving on a different level than other people. It certainly would have been wonderful to have had a resource like your website to help me learn what having an empathic nature is all about! In any regard, I am grateful you’re making this information available now. I’m already telling my friends and patients about your site! Oh, and if you or any of your readers would like to learn more about the ways I strive to help people via self-care and self-empowerment, please feel free to read more at http://www.jeanbrannon.com.